Alternate Universe by Teri Rated R for language Archive allowed at ATP and Always Disclaimer- I do not own any of the boys from QAF. Obviously if I did, the world as we know it would come to an end. This is not for profit and is for private entertainment only.
This is just a bit of silliness. Please take it as that.
It had been a long, hard day. A collective sigh of relief could be heard from each of the five men as they passed through the door of the club. Multi-colored strobe lights flashed in time with the pulsating music that swirled around them. The week was behind them and the weekend loomed ahead.
"What the fuck?" Brian exclaimed, stopping so fast that one of the other guys ran into him. "Since when does Babylon have a hetero night?"
"What are you talking about, Bri? There's no such thing here," the smaller brunette, the one that had collided with him, stated, looking up at his chestnut haired friend.
Brian snorted. "Take a look around, Mikey. It's breeder central."
Another one of the group, this one a young blond with an angelic face, agreed. "It's all opposite sex couples," Justin observed
"When did they do this, Teddy?" the tall, thin one asked.
"I don't know, Em," the man next to him said. He was the oldest of the group, had dark hair, and seemed a bit on the shy side.
"Let's go find out." Brian led the way through the crowd to the bar. Upon reaching it, he took the liberty of ordering beers for each of them. When the bartender returned with the drinks, Brian motioned him closer. "When did you guys add a night for the heteros?"
"Excuse me?" The puzzled look on the bartender's face irritated Brian.
"Since when does a gay club cater to the other side?" Brian demanded.
"Sir," the man said, "Please keep your voice down. I really don't understand the question. What gay club?"
"This gay club!" Brian shouted in frustration. "Babylon!"
The bartender stood up very straight. The guy on the other side of the bar was obviously unstable and maybe even delusional. "Sir, Babylon is not and never has been a gay nightclub."
Brian felt like he had been blindsided. His jaw dropped open in shock. 'I must be dead,' he thought. 'This is hell.'
He turned to his friends, two of them happened to be staring up at the catwalk above the dance floor. "The bartender told me it's not a gay club," he reported. That got their attention.
"What?" they all asked simultaneously.
"Seems it never has been," he said so quietly that they almost didn't hear him.
Ted spoke first. "I think we have other problems."
"How?" Michael asked. "How could there be more problems than this one?"
"I think we are being cruised," Emmett said. He glanced up to the railing, and indicated a group of women leaning on the bar, looking down at them.
Justin, with a keen eye, looked them over. "Do you notice anything different about them?"
"Besides the fact that they have tits and vaginas like every other female, and they shouldn't be here?" Brian said derisively. "No, can't say that I do."
Justin smiled over at Brian. "Well, I think you're going to. They are headed this way."
Five women made their way across the dance floor. The guys held their breath, hoping they were headed elsewhere, but no, they made a beeline right for them.
The first one to say anything was a tall, slim woman with hair the color of warm oak. She smiled at all the guys but her eyes lit up when they landed on Justin. "Hey," she said, moving towards him. "I'm Brianna." She looped an arm around his neck and whispered in Justin's ear. His resulting blush was easy to see in the neon light.
A frown crossed Brian's face. "Who did this girl think she was, hitting on Justin like that?" Even though Brian and Justin had parted ways as a couple, they were still friends, and he still cared about Justin. "Excuse me," Brian interjected grabbing a hold of her arm.
"It's okay, Bri," Justin reassured him. "She just wants to dance." He nodded assent and followed Brianna out to the dance floor.
"Jeez, Brian, I didn't think anybody moved that quickly except you," Michael said. Brian raised an eyebrow at his best friend. "Well," Michael explained, "I've seen you perform that maneuver about a million times."
Slowly, Brian realized Mikey was right. It was the same pick-up move he had used for years. The woman was just like him. He took another look at the women standing in front of him, really looked.
The rest of the group that was left, talking amongst themselves right now, consisted of a small, petite brunette with a blinding smile, a giggling blond, dressed to the nines, a quiet brunette dressed very conservatively, and a voluptuous blond with creamy skin and bright blue eyes.
'It's us,' Brian recognized. He wasn't sure yet where they really were or how they got here, but a crazy idea popped into his head. "Mikey, I gotta piss. Come with me."
"Brian, I don't need to go with you," Michael laughed.
"Now, Mikey." Michael knew that voice. It brooked no argument. He dutifully followed his friend to the restroom. That left the rest of the group standing in an awkward silence.
Michael grabbed Brian's arm. "Okay, tell me why you needed an escort to the men's room."
"Mikey, something weird is going on here, but I can't explain it."
Michael heard something close to paranoia in his friend's voice. "Calm down and tell me what."
Brian collected his thoughts for a moment. "Justin was right when he said those women were different." He pause, but Michael didn't say anything, so he continued. "Those girls are us, Mikey. Somehow, some way, I think we are meeting ourselves."
Michael was staring at Brian like he had grown another head. "You're crazy, Brian. What kind of drug did you take this time?"
"I'm not drugged!" Brian defended. "I'm not even drunk, although I wish I was!" He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and willed himself to calm. "Mikey, do you think that we are in some kind of alternate universe or something? You're the expert on this type of thing, what do you think? Do you think we woke up this morning somewhere else? And if we did, can we go back?"
"Why would you think I'm an expert on that?" Brian just looked at him, one perfect eyebrow arched. Michael sighed. "I don't know, Brian. I suppose that alternate or parallel universes could exist, but I don't think that's ever been proven. I really don't have any answers for you, but I think you are overreacting just a bit. Don't be such a drama queen."
This remark coaxed a small smile from Brian. "Maybe you're right, Mikey." He leaned his forehead to his friend's. "It's probably my imagination, but could you keep an open mind?"
"Yeah, I can do that," Michael replied then gave Brian a brief kiss. "Let's go see what the rest of the guys are up too."
When they rejoined the group, Emmett introduced them to the rest of the girls. "Girls, this fine specimen of manhood is Brian Kinney." While all the girls nodded at him, he noticed that the petite brunette smiled shyly, and then blushed. Emmett continued, "And this," he motioned to Michael, "is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, Michael Novotny."
Turning to his two friends, Emmett introduced the girls to them. "Brian, Michael, this is Miki," he said, indicating the petite brunette. The rest of the group consisted of Justine, the blue-eyed blonde, Emma, the giggling fashion plate, and Theodora, (or Teddy as she preferred to be called), the conservative brunette.
When Brian shot a significant look over to his friend, Michael just shrugged. Justine moved over by Michael. "So, what do you do for a living, Mike?"
"I own a comic book store and author a comic that Justin illustrates," he answered. "And you?"
"I'm an artist too!" Justine exclaimed, and then added, "Well, I'm an art student." She looked a little thoughtful. "That's kind of strange, isn't it? I'm an artist and Justin is an artist."
"Isn't it though?" Brian interjected. "Miki, what do you do?" he asked, afraid he already knew the answer.
Miki blushed and smiled at Brian. "I manage a book store."
"I see," he couldn't help but smile back. For a girl, she was incredibly cute and did remind him a bit of Michael. "What kind of book store?"
"A...a...comic book store," she stuttered out.
Brian noticed that Ted had taken Emma to the dance floor, while Emmett and Teddy had wandered over to the bar for fresh drinks. Michael seemed to be deep in a conversation with Justine now about the trends in illustration, so that left Brian to contend with Miki.
For a few minutes, they stood silently, side by side. Brian watched her out of the corner of his eye. Her hair was almost black, and her translucent complexion seemed to make her dark eyes glow. A spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose just added to the overall cute effect. He caught her once, glancing at him, a little smile on her face and pink staining her cheeks. 'Too much like Mikey,' Brian thought. 'Well, when in Rome...' He leaned over and Miki's silky curls brushed his lips as he whispered, "Let's dance." With a hand on the small of her back, he guided her through the crush.
Michael eyes flickered briefly over to Brian as he watched his friend lead Miki to the floor. "Do you want to dance?" he heard Justine ask. He focused back on the pretty blond.
"Why not," he shrugged. They made their way through the couples crowding the area. Wedging into a spot near where Brian and Justin were with their partners, Michael turned to Justine and started moving to the beat. The girl danced like she didn't have a bone in her body. She actually danced a lot like Justin, very provocatively and to get everyone to notice her. As Michael was moving with her, Brian's earlier theory floated through his brain. If somehow Brian was right, then he was dancing with Justin, well kind of. And this girl in front of him did remind him a lot of his business partner. So if he was dancing with Justin, then Brian was with...him. He looked over to where Brian was dancing with Miki. She had a look of absolute worship on her face, looking up into hazel eyes that Michael could picture in his mind with very little effort. Did he look at Brian like that? He had a funny feeling he did.
"Would you rather dance with Miki?" Justine asked in his ear, bringing Michael's attention back to her. "She is really cute." Michael smiled softly and shook his head. "Maybe you'd rather be dancing with Brian?" She smiled at his shocked expression. "It's not hard to see that you love him. It's written all over your face. I take it he doesn't know?"
"He knows." Justine just nodded understandingly at the sad tone in his voice.
Emmett and Teddy had gotten their drinks from the bartender, and were surveying the crush around them. Something about the girl reminded him of Ted for some reason. Not the way she looked, her hair was about the same color as Ted's but had a slight wave to the short bob. But the way she carried herself, slightly self-consciously. She was pretty..for a girl. But she was so serious. Their conversation so far had been mostly about work. It turned out Teddy was an accountant. "An accountant? Really? That's interesting, Ted used to be an accountant." Emmett frowned, trying to wrap his brain around something but it wasn't quite there, so he decided they should be having a good time. "Do you dance?" he asked her.
"Not really," she answered. "But thanks, Emmett." She smiled slightly at the man next to her. "But you go ahead, if you want to. Don't feel like you need to keep me company. I'm quite used to standing here alone actually."
"That's it!" Emmett exclaimed. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "I will not allow you to be such a stick in the mud, Teddy. You are going to have fun if it kills you!"
Ted eyed the flamboyant Emma as they danced. She kind of reminded him of Emmett for some reason. Maybe it was just the colorful clothes.
"Ted, you really need to loosen up some," She said in his ear as she looped her arms around his neck. "You're not at a Shriner's Convention for christ's sake! It's a party, c'mon have some fun!"
Ted grinned. "You sound just like Emmett!" Emma smiled. "He's always trying to pull me into things, says I'm not adventurous enough."
"Well, let's make sure that dancing with me is an adventure!" The bump and grind she did made Ted blush.
Justin was in Brianna's embrace, her hands on his hips, swaying to the music. She leaned close, he could feel her warm breath in his ear. "So Justin, you wanna get outta here?"
He smiled up at her. "Brianna, I'm gay. Didn't you figure that out?" She shook her head. "Well, I am."
"Why did you agree to dance with me then?"
Justin shrugged. "To have a good time."
Brianna grinned. "You are a beautiful boy, Justin. If you ever decide to...y'know...well, you come find me."
"Deal," Justin laughed. "But don't hold your breath."
Brian smiled down into the big brown eyes that were gazing up at him adoringly. He just couldn't help liking this girl, probably because she was Mikey's alter ego.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" he heard Miki ask, her mouth near his ear. He glanced down. The sight of her on tiptoes charmed him.
"No." He saw hope flare in her eyes. "I have a..." How could he put this? "I'm queer." Now she wore a puzzled look, but understanding dawned and with it, hurt. Brian was sorry he had to do that to her.
"Oh," she said in a small voice.
"Hey, Miki." He put a hand under her chin and lifted her eyes to his. "You're great, okay? I just happen to like someone else." He couldn't help but glance over at Michael.
Miki grinned. "I see. Have you told Michael that you love him?" Brian's gaze snapped back to hers. "I take that as a no. You should. Love is too precious to waste."
Regrouping at the bar, they all got fresh drinks. Conversation flowed easily between the new friends.
Teddy took out a compact and applied some lipstick. "Emmett, could you hold this for me?" She handed him the lipstick tube and powdered her nose.
Brian glanced at his watch. "Well, I've got an early meeting tomorrow." He looked pointedly at his friends, who stuttered excuses about having to get home.
"We need to get going to." Brianna smiled, "Gotta get our beauty sleep." They made promises to look each other up in the near future as they said their goodbyes.
The next morning, the five men gathered at the Liberty Diner for breakfast. They were settled with coffee, waiting for their food.
"I had the strangest dream last night," Brian started. They looked expectantly at him, waiting for him to continue. "We were at Babylon but it wasn't right. It wasn't a gay club. There were all these women there." Surprise was on four faces but no one said a word. "And there were these five girls, Brianna, Miki, Justine, Emma and Teddy. It was so weird. We were dancing with them. But they were us!"
"That's ridiculous, Brian," Emmett said, reaching into his pocket to get some cash for the bill. He opened his hand and in it laid a lipstick tube. He opened it.
"That's not your shade, is it, Em?" Ted asked slowly. Emmett shook his head in disbelief.
"No way," Justin murmured.
They all stared at the lipstick like it was an alien artifact. "It was a dream," Brian said.
"Of course it was," Emmett confirmed. Ted nodded in agreement.
"It had to be," Michael said softly. Brian's eyes shot to Michael's.
After a moment of silent wondering, they all started talking at once, divvying up the check, and gathering their things to leave.
As they exited the diner, Brian, watching Michael tease Justin, grew thoughtful. Somehow, in spite of the evidence to the contrary, it had to have been a dream. But even so, Miki had been right. Love was too precious to waste.
But now, not only did he have to contend with various guys sniffing around Mikey; he had to worry about other dimensions too?
"Mikey! Wait up!" Brian called. Dark eyes turned and met his. "I gotta talk to you!"