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Some Irish history for everyone, a time line:
6000BC First traces of man in Ireland 6th Cent. BC Celts migrate to Ireland 432AD St Patrick arrives as a missionary 500-800 Early monasticism, Ireland is Europe's centre of learning. 9th century Viking invasion and settlement 841 Dublin founded 1014 Brian Boru defeats the Vikings and breaks their power 1169 Norman invasion 1537 The Reformation and the dissolution of Irish monasteries by order of King Henry VIII of England 1556 First planters arrive from Scotland & England 1649-52 Rebellion crushed by Cromwell 1690 Battle of the Boyne, Catholic King James defeated by William of Orange (Protestant). Led to the "Orange Men" tradition in the north 1691 Treaty of Limerick and exile of the "Wild Geese" 1798 Crushing of a second rebellion, 50,000 people die 1800 Act of Union - Ireland now a part of Britain 1829 Daniel O'Connell wins the right for Catholics to enter the British parliament 1845 Beginning of the Great Famine, from potato blight 1858 Founding of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), forerunner to the IRA 1875 C.S. Parnell elected MP and becomes the leader of the "Home Rule" movement 1885 Parnell holds the balance of power in the British House of Commons. Home Rule becomes a major issue, but is defeated in the House of Lords. 1912 Protestants, under Edward Carson, form a militia to oppose Home Rule (the Ulster Volunteer Force). The south responds by setting up the "Irish National Volunteers" 1916 Easter rebellion/ "Rising" - Irish rebels defeated and executed. Introduction of internment and martial law. 1918 Imprisoned Republicans go on hunger strike. Militant Sinn Fein sweep victories in the general election. It boycotts the House of Commons and sets up it's own Irish parliament, and elects the jailed Eamonn de Valera as president 1919 Guerilla war between the IRA and the British anti-terrorist forces ("Black and Tans") 1921 Britain and Ireland sign the Treaty giving "dominion" status to Ireland, 6 counties of Ulster staying a part of the United Kingdom (becomes Northern Ireland) 1922-'23 Civil War between Pro-Treaty and Anti-Treaty (who don't want the partition of Ireland) groups 1939-'45 Ireland controversially remains neutral in the 2nd World War 1949 Ireland becomes a Republic 1969 The "Troubles" outbreak in Northern Ireland 1973 Ireland joins the European Community (now the European Union, E.U.) 1993-'94 The Downing Street Declaration is signed by Albert Reynolds, (the Irish Prime Minister), and John Major,(the British Prime Minister). Leads to the first of the IRA cease-fires 1998 The "Good Friday" Agreement is signed by all sides, by nationalists, unionists and both governments. The Republic agrees to withdraw from it's constitution it's claim to the north and the British government agree to delete parts of their constitution dealing with the status of Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom. Elections held on a new Northern Ireland "Assembly" / parliament with some cross-border co-operation
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DUBLIN: Christchurch Cathedral 
Months of the Year January- Eanair July- Iuil February- Feabhra August- Lunasa March- Marta September- Mean Fomhair April- Aibrean October- Deireadh Fomhair May- Bealtaine November- Samhain June- Meitheamh December- Nollaig 
Come to me, dearest, I'm lonely without thee; Day-time and night-time I'm thinking about thee; Night-time and day-time in dreams I behold thee, Unwelcome the waking that ceases to fold thee. Come to me, darling, my sorrows to lighten, Come in thy beauty to bless and to brighten, Come in thy womanhood, meekly and lowly, Come in thy lovingness, queenly and holy.

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The Irish Flag 
The Irish Flag.... Here is what it means: Green: Country's Roman Catholics White: Unity Orange: The Protestants of Ulster |
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Facts on Ireland: Capital: Dublin Offical Language: English & Gaelic Form Of Government: Republic Head of Government: Prime Minister Chief Products: Barley, dairy products, livestock, potatoes, poultry, sugar beets and wheat. National Anthem: "The Soldier Song" Money in Ireland: Pounds. which is equal to $.92 here in the States. |
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